The Lair of the Grammar Fairy

She may be teeny-tiny
She really is petit
But that will never stop her
From being psychopathique

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Yer a good girl, even if ya don' speak scottish.

I don't hate my job, I wouldn't say that. There are however moments when I'm not sure wether I should laugh uproariously at the fine sense of humor our universe posess, or cry: because apparently I'm the butt-end of the joke.

The delicious irony is, of course, that I have phone-phobia, calling roughly a 100 different persons in one night doesn't seem to help, I can't bear to call to check out a potential job, if the ad doesn't provide me with an adress or an e-mail. Or worse, won't accept anything but a phonecall I'm out of luck. I just can't call. As a devoted believer in the credo Being In Total Control, Honey! this is fairly annoying, but the important thing here is that I've learned several interesting things in my short time as a telephone sales-person.

  • It is possible to say no in 46 different ways without drawing breath once.
  • People who own expensive cars, such as BMW's or Porsches are never at home.
  • People who own cars whose brand-names are too complex to pronounce are never at home either.
  • This is usually a good thing.
  • Mispronouncing Peugeot will make a lot of people laugh.
  • It is not part of a good selling-ethic to yell at your customers.
  • People with a dialect have a better sense of humor.
  • Calling people who are recently diseased is a bad idea
  • The people who live at home with their mom when they're 40 do exist.

Life as a Young Adult never cease to amaze me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the list of telemarketing lessons for life. I especially liked the bit about folks with expensive cars never being home and it being a good thing.

Couldn't help but laugh.

On your phone phobia, my condolences. I used to think I had a phone phobia, until I realized it was more of a confrontaition phobia. I knew as I was picking up the phone what I was going to hear on the other end, so I never wanted to pick it up in the first place. But don't worry, there's plenty of hope for you yet.

3 October 2006 at 13:25  
Blogger M said...

Let's not forget the creeping suspicion that I Have Called This Number Before! That is seriously disturbing.

As for my phone-phobia, I think I know the root-cause, but it's a rather long, and dull story that I might get into if I one day decide to write about my numerous childhood-traumas. Because you gotta have childhood traumas if you want to become something.

5 October 2006 at 00:02  

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