Just another day
It is interesting to note how different an event can seem, depending on our outlook. I woke up 10 minuets late today. The reason is that I had recived a textmessage on my cellphone (which doubles as my alarmclock) and the textmessage function apparantly supercedes the alarm-function. That is, the alarm wouldn't go off until I read my message. I've no idea who would program a phone in such a morbidly moronic manner, but there you go. Can't trust Nokia.
There are two ways to look on this.
1. Thank god I woke up without the clock!
2. I hate Nokia. I hate phones. I hate the world. Everything sucks. I'm going to eat worms.
While I desperately attempted to adopt the more positive outlook, my day was effectively off to a bad start. It is frustratingly difficult to choose your own reactions sometimes. As a general rule of the universe, a bad day usually gets worse, which is why this day has been an interesting phenomena. It's like karma can't decide, so it all goes up and down like a goddamn roller-coaster.
On one hand, I went to a job interview and was offered the job. A job I actualy want. On the other, I cried while waiting for the buss home. All in all, a roller-coaster day and I'm only halfway through. I'm feeling quite wrung out.
There are two ways to look on this.
1. Thank god I woke up without the clock!
2. I hate Nokia. I hate phones. I hate the world. Everything sucks. I'm going to eat worms.
While I desperately attempted to adopt the more positive outlook, my day was effectively off to a bad start. It is frustratingly difficult to choose your own reactions sometimes. As a general rule of the universe, a bad day usually gets worse, which is why this day has been an interesting phenomena. It's like karma can't decide, so it all goes up and down like a goddamn roller-coaster.
On one hand, I went to a job interview and was offered the job. A job I actualy want. On the other, I cried while waiting for the buss home. All in all, a roller-coaster day and I'm only halfway through. I'm feeling quite wrung out.
On craptastic phones. My alarm will go off no matter what. Even if I'm currently on the phone.
I guess I should change that setting from Siren, I could really go deaf from it. So if you want to dump your Nokia, Motorola seems to work well. But then again, it's all about what service provider you have. Here in the states, if you get a Cingular Motorola, they all have the same user interface, the more advanced phones just have more tools available. Verizon versions of the exact same phone, they're essentially shut down and you have to pay Verizon again for them to take out their software so your phone can work properly.
On the job offer, KICK ASS! I know you've voiced your concern about not having a job too long, and I'm glad you were able to get into a position you like.
**shakes and throws horrid thoughts of getting into 'positions' away**
Sorry about that... Good job on getting the job!
As for the emotional roller coaster, it'll settle out. Every roller coaster does. Could you imagine trying to stop the coaster in mid corkscrew? It's so gut-wrenching I love it.
Just get home this afternoon, get into something comfortable, relax in a comfortable chair, enjoy your most soothing drink and take at least 15 minutes to concentrate on the silence around you. If you like to drink something aromatic, it works really well to just close your eyes and concentrate solely on your nose. The smell/memory connection will clam you down incredibly quick, but also give you a sturdy meditative-like foundation for the rest of the day.
Remember, today's a great day. Just flow with the greatness.
You're fast becoming my most devoted reader I think ;)
The only thing I've understood about American cell-phones so far is that they're all craptastic because they're based on 80's technology.
As for the rollercoaster. I had a cup of tea and a nap when I finally got home, it helped some, but I was rather exhausted all the same for the reminder of the day.
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