The Lair of the Grammar Fairy

She may be teeny-tiny
She really is petit
But that will never stop her
From being psychopathique

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 2, second post

I said I'd post again, didn't I? Technically it's past midnight so I'm late, but I've always been in the habit of refusing to recognize the coming of a new day before I've had a chance to sleep on it.


Sam could hear him occasionally lifting and dropping pieces of overturned shelves. Shaking her head to herself she stepped over to the desk to check out the drawers. Nothing. She pulled them out spread the content carelessly about the room and knocked their bottoms out. No hidden compartments, no nothing. She knocked on every conceiveable wall-space including the bookshelf to see if they rung hollow. Still nothing. The entire building appeared to be rock-solid.

She sighed and leaned back with one hand on the desk, resignedly eyeing the document cabinet, doubtlessly filled with another bunch of nothings, and then, quite suddenly, she wasn't. There was a crunching noise, an undignified yelp and then she was far too closely acquainted with the carpet for her own liking. One of the legs of the desk had to have given way. Turning her head to get up she realized it was only partially true, what had actually given way was what had been supporting the table leg, a dictionary. She stared at it for a bit, it looked as if it had been gutted by the leg, which made no sense at all.


Did I mention how HARD this scene is for me? And I haven't written anything in years, my confidence is a tad shaky. I want to be serious, but I want to have a dry humour in the writing. I want some funny but I have the sneaking suspicion that I'm not nailing it. Maybe I'll feel differently once the scene and the chapter is finished and a cohesive whole.

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Blogger eladnarra said...

"I want to be serious, but I want to have a dry humour in the writing."

That can be rather tricky, can't it? I think you've struck a fairly good balance here. Several bits made me smile, like this one: "and then she was far too closely aqcuainted with the carpet for her own liking." ^_^

Hope you have better luck writing what comes next! It's awfully frustrating when stories don't want to cooperate...

25 June 2008 at 20:36  
Blogger M said...

Yay comment!

One of the reasons I like forums more is that at least you know how many people have clicked the story. On blogs you're always in the dark as to whether anyone is reading or not, until you get comments, which nver truly reflects how many readers you have.

Anyway, yes, I always aim for the tricky, I guess we all do as writers in a way. Hopefully this scene will shake loose from where it's lodged soon.

26 June 2008 at 00:32  
Blogger meristele said...

It's already coming through. Since your natural state is a delicate appreciation of irony, it will be there. I wouldn't worry about it.

Just get it all out. Trust that through your innate humor you will edit it in when needed. ;>

26 June 2008 at 05:19  

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