The Lair of the Grammar Fairy

She may be teeny-tiny
She really is petit
But that will never stop her
From being psychopathique

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 5

No writing done today. Sometimes it just falls out of your head, so much else going on today. Nothing big, just the small puttering and pottering of life. I saw The Patriot today. The one with Mel Gibson about the American Revolution. It was nice, but sometimes it drives me stark raving mad how Hollywood necessarily has to beat you over the head with their message.

The Redcoats are evil. I GET it. It's actually enough that he kills Mel G's son, the evil redcoat does not have to personally persecute him, burn down his home, his sister-in-law's home, kill his oldest son and burn down a church full of people. Enough is bloody enough you guys.

there's a scene at the end where Cornwallis is realizing he's going to lose Yorktown and the entire war and he goes off. "They're just militia, peasants, how could this be?" And it would have been so beautiful if he had stopped there, but no, when you have a hammer you're surrounded by nails, apparently. So he goes on, "everything will be different now. Everything IS different." Guh, annoyed me to no end.

And this I will have to consider my Creative Writing contribution of the day.

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