The Lair of the Grammar Fairy

She may be teeny-tiny
She really is petit
But that will never stop her
From being psychopathique

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 6

I didn't think I'd get anything written, but I did! I got some inspiration and I decided to skip ahead to the end of the scene while I still had it fresh in my mind. As per always, it's short, but hell, I'm glad I just got something down.


When the finally came back out, Sam did not blink in the sunlight, as it had gone, and so had the chirping of the birds, the rattles of the rats and the breeze. The sky had turned to the pale, almost-white colour of a twilight that should have been hours and hours off. Sam could feel her heart stepping up a notch. Something had changed while they were in the library. They must have been observed, or triggered something. the fact that she had no idea what, did no bode well for them. Sam looked at Keir, who was far too intent on the book to notice, she would have snapped at him, but her gaze wandered beyond him and over the plaza, intent on something else. She knew to trust her body, she knew she was seeing something, her mind just hadn't picked up on it. Instinctively she slowed her breath down to be as quiet and unobtrusive as possible, and her mouth opened slightly to let her taste buds aid her sense of smell.
She saw it almost simultaneously as she heard the low, whistling noise. She was running. She was yelling.
They were tumbling and the black stone ravens swooped over them. Cawing, clawing. Her shoulder hit the ice cold edge of the well and the smell invaded her senses, begging her to take notice. Sea-salt and mud. decade-old decay, sewers and a bitter tangy taste at the back of her throat. There was a tremble in the stones, something down below was awake.
She froze for a split second, and then she clenched her teeth, and got up.


And on that hanging note, it will end, for now.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

She got up and BAM! the passing log on strings knocked her down again. Sad and brutal. You're writing is so twisted and cruel! Poor Sam. She had such a good life ahead of her. ;__;

30 June 2008 at 14:24  
Blogger M said...

I am teh cruellestest person on da intrawbz!!11

I wish I could do that little :headslap: emoticon right now.

30 June 2008 at 15:53  

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